Sunday, January 20, 2013

Monsters For Sale!

This is a pre-drawn sketch from a batch of four that I just did in my first sketchbook 'The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of Monsters.' This one is sold, but there are three others still available. $20 postage paid + I'll throw in some buttons, cards and stickers. E-mail me at for details.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Spanky Stokes Stroll Sketch - Finish!

Here's the completed 'Stroll' sketch. The usual tools, along with a bit of colored pencil. 8.5" X 11."

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Spanky Stokes 'Stroll' Inks in Progress...

Here's my WIP version of toymaker Spanky Stokes' 'Stroll' character.  I'd noticed that many artists on Instagram were doing their own versions, so I figured I'd jump into the mix, as I really liked the design of the character. You can see the original vinyl somewhere on his site:

Tuesday, January 01, 2013


This is my first sketch of 2013. I'd pencilled it on the 31st, then went and inked and toned it today.