Saturday, February 20, 2010


I've finally gotten around to putting together a sketchbook of my monster drawings. I'll have a special edition of the book, limited to 23 signed and sketched-in copies (+ 7 Artist's Proofs) with me at next Saturday's (Feb 27th) "New York Comic Book Marketplace" at the Penn Plaza Pavillion in NYC. I'll be at a couple of tables with my buddies Dan Springer, Carlos Vega and Derek Santiago. We'll be sketching, chatting with whomever happens to stop by and we'll also have prints and sketchbooks for sale, so, come on down and say hello!


Jason Quinones said...

man i gotta take a page outta your book (PUN!) and compile a "sketchbook" of my art too! it's been on my mind lately.

how'd you go about doing it? did you just go to a local printer or through a website like lulu or zazzle? i think (or some other online book shop) gives you the options to self publish now too!!!

there are so many outlets to self publish stuff now. if all this opportunity was around after i got outta school would i have taken advantage of it then??

probably not!

Jason Quinones said...

i'll try and make it out and check out your booth too!

The Keeper's Notes said...

Jason - I would have gone to a place like those you mentioned, but there wasn't enough time! So I went to Staples...I haven't gotten my copies yet - they were being printed today. I set up a PDF file and just gave them the disc.

You definitely should make a sketchbook! It'd be awesome!

That'd be great if you could make it out Sat.